Testing email or login: <TEST_ACCOUNT_EMAIL>
Testing password or login: <TEST_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD>
To see how whatsapp_business_messaging and whatsapp_business_management are used in my app:
- Navigate to <website testing URL>
- Login in using the credentials provided
- Once you’ve accessed the website, you will be redirected to a page, where you have to manually enter “WhatsApp permanent token”, “WhatsApp Phone number id”, “WhatsApp Account ID” and instructions on how to set the WhatsApp Webhook URL
- This process is really an error pronoun and most of the clients face issue with it.
- We have developed the WhatsApp Embedded login setup, and we now need whatsapp_business_messaging and whatsapp_business_management permissions to be able to do all of that with the help of WhatsApp embedded Login.
Tell us why you're requesting whatsapp_business_messaging
Clients instead of entering the “WhatsApp permanent token”, “WhatsApp Phone number id”, “WhatsApp Account ID” manually, and setting the WebHook, will just the the "WhatsApp Embedded Login".
— Record the login, and chat